One of the most common questions that we get asked at Elite Ladies is: “How can I get rid of my belly fat?”. Whilst there are no magic pills or best exercises that will melt belly fat away- you can incorporate simple steps into your daily routine to help you achieve this goal, keep reading to find out what belly fat is and how you can reduce it...

What is belly fat?

Belly fat consists of two types of fat, these are: subcutaneous fat & visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat sits directly below the skin surface, this type of fat is visible and you can pinch it. However, visceral fat is located deep in the abdominal walls, often surrounding the vital organs, it is not visible and high levels of this type of fat can be very detrimental to health. 

Why are high levels of visceral fat dangerous?

Research has suggested that if you have high levels of visceral fat (greater than level 10) you may have reduced insulin sensitivity, you may be more at risk of having high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Having one or more of these factors can increase your chances of developing metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke

How to assess your belly fat levels?

At Elite ladies we use a machine called In Body Analysis to measure our clients body fat mass, body fat percentage & visceral fat levels. This device is very quick and easy to use and it is non-invasive. From the test, the various readings provide us with an inclination of the client's current health status. If you are unable to access a machine that can test your fat levels you can do a simple waist measurement using a tape measure to assess your abdominal circumference. Abdominal circumference will not give you a specific body fat or visceral fat reading but it may provide an indication that you could be carrying more fat than necessary. According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), for good health- it is recommended that females have a waist measurement of less than 31.5 inches. Females with a waist measurement of 35 inches or more are suggested to be more at risk of having higher levels of body fat which can lead to obesity and other metabolic conditions.

What steps can you take to reduce your belly fat levels?

  • Create a calorie deficit

The most important factor in fat loss is creating a calorie deficit and the most effective way to do this is to eat less and be more active. When it comes to a calorie deficit it's not only important to count the calories, the quality of the nutrients is also very important too.

  • Be strategic with your nutrition- are you familiar with the phrase: “Abs are made in the kitchen”

Tactics are important ladies, try to be strategic about how you structure your nutrition; prioritize protein ensuring that you include a good quality serving in every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Protein is crucial for fat loss as it creates a thermogenic response within the body and also helps to create a feeling of satiety between meals (meaning you feel fuller for longer). The next food group in every meal should be green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli. Not only will this allow you to get more nutrients it will also help to fill you up. Starchy carbohydrates such as rice, sweet potato or oats should still be included in your nutrition but are best consumed after a workout as your body will utilize them more at this time instead of storing them as fat. It also has to be noted ladies that when trying to lose fat you should not avoid fat in your diet. Healthy fats such as nuts, avocado and olive oil should also be included in every meal, these types of fats are rich in omega 3 which can help to reduce inflammation and support the healthy function of processes within the body. You should aim to include a portion size around the size of your thumb.

  • Prioritize strength training & high intensity intervals

Contrary to popular belief, doing hundreds of repetitions of tummy exercises and endless amounts of cardio will not help you to lose belly fat! 

Research has found that a combination of full body strength training and high intensity interval training is the most effective type of exercise when it comes to losing belly fat. Try to include compound exercises (exercises that include multi-joint movements) such as squats, deadlifts, rows and presses and high intensity interval training such as a bike or rowing machine 20 secs fast; 40 secs slow for 8-12 minutes.

  • Lifestyle factors  

Does your daily routine help or hinder you from losing belly fat?

Factors such as sleep, stress and hydration are very important. You should be aiming to sleep for around 8 hours per night (good quality, uninterrupted sleep is preferable).

Chronic stress can also prevent you from losing fat and actually can cause you to store more fat in the abdomen region due to the increase in inflammation levels and stress hormone cortisol. Try to limit or reduce stress levels as much as possible activities like exercise and meditation can help with this.

Lastly hydration- do you drink enough water on a daily basis? A general guideline is to aim for around 3 liters this not only ensures that our cells and organs within our body are functioning optimally it also enables the body to flush out any toxins that may be harmful to our bodies.


In summary, belly fat is one of the most common areas that people want to lose fat from but what some people maybe aren’t aware of is the negative health implications that can actually arise from having a lot of fat in this area.

High levels of abdominal fat may not only make you feel more self conscious it may also increase your chances of developing metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Unfortunately there are no quick fixes to help you lose belly fat but if you start to make changes with your eating habits, move your body more, follow a proper and effective training programme and improve your lifestyle you should start to see and feel a difference. Long term these changes should lead to a healthier and hopefully a more content version of you!